Our Mission
Our Mission
First Baptist Church exists to win souls for Christ, to reach out to the community, to praise and worship God, to edify Christians through Bible based teaching, and to spread God’s Word throughout the entire world.
Our Vision
Our Vision
Our vision is to take the Word of God off the pages of the Holy Bible and apply them daily to our lives promoting spiritual growth (III John 2), relational growth (John 13:34-35), and physical maturity (I Cor. 6:19-20).
Church Leadership
Church Leadership

Pastor Anthony Washington

Co-Pastor Saretha Washington
Women's Ministry and Music Ministry

Deborah Washington
Church Administrator

Edward Harrison
Sunday School Superintendant

Polly Harrison
Evangelism/Outreach Ministry

Patricia Pierce
Prison Ministry

Reba Mason

Joyce Washington
Praise Dance Ministry

Michael Washington Sr
Men's Ministry, Trustee Board, and Technology